digestive health

10 Top Reasons To Drink Aloe Vera Gel

October 11, 2016
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dr. Peter Aterton

by Dr Peter Atherton

MB ChB, DObst RCOG, FRCGB & Advisory Board Member

Imagine slicing open an Aloe leaf and consuming the Gel directly from the plant. Forever’s signature product, Aloe Vera Gel, is as close to the real thing as you can get. The first of its kind to receive certification by the International Aloe Science Council, this rich blend of pulp and liquid gives us a product as near to nature as possible. The proof is in the Aloe – after reading my top 10 reasons why I think you should drink Aloe Vera Gel, you will definitely see why Aloe Vera has earned the nickname ‘the medicine plant’.


10. Effect on the gut
Aloe Vera has a wonderfully beneficial action on bowel function which results in smooth and efficient transit of contents, often eradicating inconvenient, colicky pain. This action, of course, is of great benefit to sufferers of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, a problem that affects about one in five people in the Western world at some stage during their life.

9. Assists in healthy digestion
A healthy digestive tract ensures that nutrients from the food we eat are absorbed into the bloodstream. There is clear, clinical evidence that by drinking Aloe Vera Gel the bowel is able to absorb these nutrients more efficiently, especially protein. I also suspect that many other substances are much better absorbed under its influence.

8. Effect on gut flora
Aloe Vera is a natural ‘balancer’ in many areas and nowhere more so that inside the gut, where it tends to regulate the various bacteria and yeasts that inhabit it. For example, if a person were to suffer with too much yeast in the gut, such as candida, regular ingestion of the Gel would tend to reduce this overgrowth. The same can be said of the more unfriendly bacteria that can accumulate in certain conditions.

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